If you've read the first few books, you know that Bella is a whiny bitch, Edward's a controlling abusive bastard, and Jacob is the only redeeming quality of the whole series. Add the ever-mounting misogynism and heterocentrism, and it's no surprise that Stephenie Meyer is a devout Mormon housewife, though it is a bit of a mystery how she achieved her degree in English. It probably has something to do with going to BYU, a.k.a. The Party School for All Those Hopeless Utah Prudes.
Of course, most people knew from the start that Twilight was just dreamy self-insert fiction, because, really, who the hell publishes a story about the sparkling vampire they saw in a mystical dream in which they were in a utopian meadow. However, it does worry me how many gullible young girls got sucked into the cult and didn't snap out of it when Breaking Dawn came out.
Why am I so worried? How about I make a list of the main themes of BD:
- Bella gets pregnant with a mutant child who is eating her insides, and refuses abortion, because teh poor lwettle babiez.
- Edward becomes an ever more controlling bastard.
- Bella decides that she's too good for college and becomes Edward's lovely little powerless housewife.
- Jacob imprints on Bella's daughter, completely ruining the only good character in the book.
- Bella becomes a delightful little Mary Sue of a vampire.
And thus another reason to hate religion. Brainwashing people by trying to use love as an excuse for unequality, misogyny, pedophilia, and homophobia. Really fucking classy.
-Com, who hates the institution of marriage and will not be caught without a Ph.D by the time she's thirty.
By the time I read Twilight half way, I wanted to stop reading, but you read it all the way. You are officially my hero. ^_^
That is quiet a scathing review. I mean ouch!
LOL. Thank you, it was a torturous two weeks.
Perhaps I should have called it a snarkfest instead of a review, hm....
the twilight books were really good....I liked them so much they are now my favorite books and i`m a real bookworm ^^
i read the twilight books all in 7 days :) no joke.....
haven`t read anything better...they are even better than the HP books
You took the words right out of my mouth.
i read twilight in a day, new moon in a day and eclipse in a day. They are badly written but they have a quality which transfixes me and keeps me captivated. Will be reading Breaking Dawn today. JK Rowling is far, far better at allowing us to escape through her words though.
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