Saturday, May 10, 2008

An Introduction of Sorts

My name here shall be Comanche, or Com for short, as my real name is irrelevant until the time in which I manage to get published (even then I'll probably end up writing under a pseudonym, per request by the family). I'm a young atheist who likes to make a stir. I love to get people to ask questions and not take anything at face value. The book I'm working on right now is called The Darkened Face of Heaven, and is a collection of connected poems in which the world isn't quite the same one we live in today. It is my view on what the world might become if we continue in the same direction that religious fundamentalists would like us to. You ask me, why write poetry? Why not non-fiction?

The thing is, a lot of people don't read non-fiction heavily. Intellectuals, yes, but the average person? Hardly at all. Through poetry, I hope to strike a cord that resonates with a community focused mainly on media, circumstance, and the drama that surrounds an increasingly materialistic world. Poetry also allows me to be biting, eloquent, and a little vague. My poems are open to interpretation, and I'm always eager to hear what you see in them that may differ from what I see in them.

Since I really am hoping to get this published, I'll only be posting snippets here. To start off, the poem which the first chapter is named for, Burning Books.

Burning books
Have a peculiar smell
As smoke wafts
Above the treetops
Like knowledge escaping
To be written again.

I should probably also mention that most of these don't follow any set criteria - I write what comes to mind with little regard for mechanics. However, there will be some rhythm and rhyme later on. I will also be discussing the news, and how different items of the world's happenings will figure into this story.

That said...I have work to do, and I will be going back to public school this fall (yes, I am that young) and will be dealing with the various terrifying things that make me as misanthropic as I am. I will try to be consistent in posting, though.


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